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Documentation for the oiler community

The timeline shown in our resource section lists 23 major American manufacturing conmpanies that produced early (pre-1930) hand oilers.  Oileralley currently acts as a clearing house for documentation/information (catalogs/brochures/advertisements) concerning these companies.  For a nominal fee (printing/shipping) Oileralley can provide this information to interested individuals.  Documentation available is given below:

Catalog –  Maple City Stamping Company, Peoria, IL.  Number 20 (1920), 40 pages

Catalog – GEM Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh, PA.  Number 14 (1925), 40 pages

Catalog – Eagle Manufacturing Company, Wellsburg, WVf.  Number 36 (1938), 40 pages

The proposed forum discussion is as follows:

Does anyone have possession (or access to) more documentation (catalogs/brochures/advertisements) concerning early American companies?

How can we share your documentatin with the rest of the community?